Here will take a quick scan of Earnings Yield information on shares of The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO). Currently, the Earnings to Price (Yield) is 0.051907, Earnings Yield is 0.048072, and Earnings Yield 5 year average is 0.036591. Earnings yield provides a way for investors to help measure returns. Investors may choose to compare the earnings yield of stocks to money market instruments, treasuries, or bonds. The firm will look to it’s next scheduled report date to try to improve on these numbers.
Investors might be looking at their stock holdings and trying to gauge which ones will break out to new highs. Many investors will keep a close eye on stocks that are trading near popular marks such as the 52-week high. Stocks trading near 52-week lows also tend to garner additional attention. When a stock is flirting with a new 52-week high, investors may have to decide whether to cash in to lock in profits or wait to see if a breakthrough is going to happen. Companies that are teetering near the 52-week low may be worth taking a look at. Studying the fundamentals may show that the stock should be performing better than it is. This might be the time to think about purchasing shares that for whatever reason may have fallen out of favor with investors. Crunching the numbers and doing full analysis of stocks that have been trending down may help lead to some discoveries that could turn out to be highly valuable if and when the momentum shifts to the upside.
Checking in on some valuation rankings, The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) has a Value Composite score of 35. Developed by James O’Shaughnessy, the VC score uses five valuation ratios. These ratios are price to earnings, price to cash flow, EBITDA to EV, price to book value, and price to sales. The VC is displayed as a number between 1 and 100. In general, a company with a score closer to 0 would be seen as undervalued, and a score closer to 100 would indicate an overvalued company. Adding a sixth ratio, shareholder yield, we can view the Value Composite 2 score which is currently sitting at 25.
Turning to Free Cash Flow Growth (FCF Growth) is the free cash flow of the current year minus the free cash flow from the previous year, divided by last year’s free cash flow. The FCF Growth of The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) is 5.704220. Free cash flow (FCF) is the cash produced by the company minus capital expenditure. This cash is what a company uses to meet its financial obligations, such as making payments on debt or to pay out dividends. The Free Cash Flow Score (FCF Score) is a helpful tool in calculating the free cash flow growth with free cash flow stability – this gives investors the overall quality of the free cash flow. The FCF Score of The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) is 3.914113. Experts say the higher the value, the better, as it means that the free cash flow is high, or the variability of free cash flow is low or both.
Investing in the stock market can be highly unpredictable. Veteran investors may have spent many years studying the market. At some point along the way, many investors may have had to make some tough decisions. Making the tough stock portfolio decisions can seem like a daunting task, especially if some wrong calls have been made in the past. Investors who are able to quickly learn from previous mistakes may be much better situated if they are able to keep from repeating those mistakes. When just starting out, investors may want to go slow and steady in order to focus on the simpler investing ideas first.
Watching some historical volatility numbers on shares of The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO), we can see that the 12 month volatility is presently 29.996000. The 6 month volatility is 30.221900, and the 3 month is spotted at 33.616600. Following volatility data can help measure how much the stock price has fluctuated over the specified time period. Although past volatility action may help project future stock volatility, it may also be vastly different when taking into account other factors that may be driving price action during the measured time period. Heading into earnings season investors often take close note of the volatility levels ahead of and immediately after the earnings report.
Price Index
The Price Index is a ratio that indicates the return of a share price over a past period. The price index of The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) for last month was 1.08186. This is calculated by taking the current share price and dividing by the share price one month ago. If the ratio is greater than 1, then that means there has been an increase in price over the month. If the ratio is less than 1, then we can determine that there has been a decrease in price. Similarly, investors look up the share price over 12 month periods. The Price Index 12m for The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) is 1.15189.
Price Range 52 Weeks
Some of the best financial predictions are formed by using a variety of financial tools. The Price Range 52 Weeks is one of the tools that investors use to determine the lowest and highest price at which a stock has traded in the previous 52 weeks. The Price Range of The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) over the past 52 weeks is 0.851000. The 52-week range can be found in the stock’s quote summary.
Equity market investors have plenty of information available to them when making stock selections. One of the toughest parts of selecting stocks may be figuring out which data to pay attention to. There are always swirling headlines in today’s financial news media. While some information may be highly important, other information may be much less important. Knowing exactly what to look for when doing stock research may take a lot of time to master. Investors who are able to stay highly focused may find it much easier to spot opportunities in the market. Once the investor knows what to look for, the stock market puzzle may be a bit easier to start piecing together.
Quant Data
Shifting gears, we can see that The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) has a Q.i. Value of 31.00000. The Q.i. Value ranks companies using four ratios. These ratios consist of EBITDA Yield, FCF Yield, Liquidity, and Earnings Yield. The purpose of the Q.i. Value is to help identify companies that are the most undervalued. Typically, the lower the value, the more undervalued the company tends to be.
Another signal that many company execs and investors don’t want to talk about is the C-Score. The C-Score is a system developed by James Montier that helps determine whether a company is involved in inflating their financial statements. The C-Score is calculated by a variety of items, including a growing difference in net income verse cash flow, increasing days outstanding, growing days sales of inventory, increasing assets to sales, declines in depreciation, and high total asset growth. The C-Score of The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) is 2.00000. The score ranges on a scale of -1 to 6. If the score is -1, then there is not enough information to determine the C-Score. If the number is at zero (0) then there is no evidence of fraudulent book cooking, whereas a number of 6 indicates a high likelihood of unusual activity. The C-Score assists investors in assessing the validity of financials.
At the time of writing, The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) has a Piotroski F-Score of 6. The F-Score may help discover companies with strengthening balance sheets. The score may also be used to spot the weak performers. Joseph Piotroski developed the F-Score which employs nine different variables based on the company financial statement. A single point is assigned to each test that a stock passes. Typically, a stock scoring an 8 or 9 would be seen as strong. On the other end, a stock with a score from 0-2 would be viewed as weak.
Investors may be trying to decide which way the stock market will shift over the next couple of quarters. Having a general idea based on research is one thing, but constantly trying to time the market may lead to negative portfolio performance. Of course, overall market downturns can be frustrating to everyone invested in shares. Being able to ride out the day to day volatility and make proper investing decisions based on solid stock examination, may help the investor secure profits down the line. Investors who spend too much time focusing on stocks that have already made a run may find themselves in a sticky situation if they get into the name to late. Just because a certain stock has been going up for a long time, it doesn’t mean that the momentum will be sustained into the future. Taking the time to find quality stocks instead of just looking at the hot stock of the day, may allow investors to keep thriving in the market.
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