According to the latest data, investors are looking at Enel Chile S.A. (:ENIC)’s short data and trying to figure out market sentiment on which way the market thinks the stock is moving. The firm has 0.17% of total shares float short, yielding a short ratio of 2.04.

Successful stock market investing often begins with setting up measureable and viable goals. Investors who set attainable goals and craft a plan to achieve those goals may find themselves in a much better position than the investor who does not. It can be very tempting to jump into the stock market and start investing. When the market is riding high, investors may be quick to act so they do not miss out on the action. Entering the stock market without a plan can lead to future distress when the markets turn downward for an extended period of time. Having a plan for multiple scenarios can help the investor ride out the storm when it comes.  

At times, investors may be prone to making impulsive or irrational decisions when it comes to the stock market. Finding a way to leave emotions out of important investing decisions can greatly assist the investor in achieving their goals. Investors who stay committed to a plan may be able to fight off emotional urges when certain situations arise. Investors may find it useful to rebalance the portfolio as opposed to chasing market performance when adjustments need to be made. Making sure the stock portfolio is aligned to suit the goals of the individual investor may play an important role in being able to consistently sustain profits well into the future.

Shorting a stock can be very risky if the price doesn’t decline like planned and, in fact, increases.  It’s important for any investor to understand the dangers and potentially catastrophic financial losses of short selling.


Let’s take a look at how the stock has been performing recently.  Over the past twelve months, Enel Chile S.A. (:ENIC)’s stock was 5.45%.  Over the last week of the month, it was 4.40%, 7.63% over the last quarter, and  5.45% for the past six months. 

Over the past 50 days, Enel Chile S.A. stock’s -7.12% off of the high and 5.56% removed from the low.  Their 52-Week High and Low are noted here.  -20.49% away from the high and 25.03% from the low. 

Individual investors often have a lot to deal with when surveying the stock market landscape. Choosing stocks based on recent performance may not work out as well as planned. Stocks that were winners last year, last month, or even last week, may not be winners next week, next month, or next year. Digging into the fundamentals can help the investor see what stocks are set up for future success. Taking multiple approaches when viewing a certain security may help the investor put the puzzle together and see the bigger picture. Staying current on economic data can also help the investor obtain a broader sense of what is driving present market conditions.

The consensus analysts recommendation at this point stands at 2.20 on Enel Chile S.A. (:ENIC).  This is based on a 1-5 scale where 1 indicates a Strong Buy and 5 a Strong Sell. The same analysts are predicting that the company shares will trade to $4040.33 within the next 12-18 months. 

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